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Earthquaker Devices Spatial Delivery Pedal


Mode Toggle: 
Toggles between Upward SweepDownward Sweep or Sample & Hold.

Range: Adjusts the sensitivity of the envelope in Up and Down mode. In Sample & Hold mode, this controls the speed.

Filter: Crossfades between high pass and low pass filters and allows you to get everything in between. High pass is fully counterclockwise, low pass is full clockwise and center is band pass. This is much more useful than a simple switch you would typically find on a multi-mode because it allows you to blend the filters for different sounds!

Resonance: This is the filter feedback control, it adds more body and ring to the filter voice.

Presets: Six available preset slots for you to save and recall your favorite settings! The settings for each of the three controls, the Mode switch and the expression jack assignment can be saved and recalled in any of the slots.

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